Friday, May 23, 2008

Bayanihan for Kenshokai

THE PHILIPPINES will host the 2009 International Kenshokai (Teachers’ Sesshin) of the Sanbo Kyodon. This is a rare privilege for our country and all Filipino zen practitioners as zen teachers from all over the world will be participating. Bahay Dalangin and the Zen Center Philippines are already holding meetings to plan for the big event.

The last time the international conference was held in the Philippines was in 2000 at the Lopez Center in Antipolo. The 2009 conference will be held in Mary Ridge, Tagaytay, from October 30 to November 4, 2008. The conference is open to teachers and senior students who have completed their koan studies. For 2008, Bahay Dalangin’s Lydia Gaurano will be attending the Kenshokai in Oxford, England.

If you are interested in doing samu by assisting in the planning and the logistics of putting together the conference, please contact Eyo Morales or send us a post.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dharma Wheel Turns

The Bahay Dalangin Sangha has entered into an exciting era of growth and spiritual dynamism. Our lives as contemplatives-in-action have attracted many others to try our way of life. We are eager to provide every opportunity to make our path to awakening available to all who seek it. In order to do this, our operations need funding.

As you know, Bahay Dalangin operates entirely on pledges from members and donations from friends. The practice of dana (giving or generosity) is part of the commitment we make when we undertake our shoken or when we become formal students of Zen.

Our monthly pledge is an obligation of every formal student of the sangha. The amount of the pledge, however, is voluntary and will be a confidential matter between the student and the Treasurer who receives the amount. No one will ever be denied membership due to financial inability.

The Finance/Logistics Committee humbly requests that we honor our commitment. Your generosity will not only allow our sangha to thrive but will also pave the path for many more to find the way to enlightenment. Amy Manaligod will be sending out a circular with instructions on how to fulfill on pledges.

If you are interested in doing samu for the Finance/Logistics Commitee, please contact Amy Manaligod.


THERE’S BEEN a slight change in each of our zendos. You may not have noticed, but there could be a slight shift in the bell taps, a new crispness to the clappers, and variation in kinhin cadence. That’s because our jikis are undergoing cross training. Simply put, the jikis from the three different Bahay Dalangin zendos will be leaving their posts for a month to do their duties in another zendo. The aim of the training program is two-fold: first, to sharpen the jiki’s awareness and skills by bringing each out of their comfort zones; second, to have the members of the different zendos get to know the jikis.

A jiki or jiki-jitsu is the timekeeper for any meditation gathering. All matters having to do with time are the responsibility of the jiki (provided the decisions do not conflict with the activities or wishes of the roshi or teacher). It is the jiki who usually leads the kinhin and manages the dokusan line. For the Bahay Dalangin Sangha, the jikis also conduct the orientations for new participants.

From May 12 to June 12, 2008, the jikis are taking on the following cross assignments: Benjie Baluyut of the Sta. Ana zendo will be at the ELJ zendo; Rose Yap of the ELJ zendo will be at the Benpres zedo; and Lydia Gaurano of the Benpres zendo will be at the Sta. Ana zendo.

Benjie, who has spent two weeks in his new post, savors the benefits of his assignment: “Sometimes, we’re too near the forest to appreciate the trees. By being at ELJ, I am getting to know the other members better, particularly the Lagro group, and I am picking up new ideas.”

The cross training is part of the plans and programs of the BDZ Organization Committee. If your are interested in doing samu for the Organization Committee, please contact your jiki or Benjie Baluyut.